Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Top 12 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World


12. Passion Flower

Passion flower is a perennial vine with over 50 species and it belongs to the Passifloraceae family. This purple blue and white flower consists of ten sepals and petals and is around 10 cm wide. What I like most about passion flower is its unique. Other than being exceptionally pretty, this exotic flower has high medicinal value.



11. Gazania

Gazania is native to South Africa where it is also known as ‘treasure flower’. The best thing about this flower is that it is available in a variety strange pattern as well as bright and brilliant colors such as shades of pink, dark red, yellow and orange.   The petals of this wonderful flower come in single colors as well as in graded shades. This hardy beauty with its daisy like flowers certainly deserves a top spot in the list of most beautiful flowers in the world!

10. Plumeria

Plumeria, which is a native to Brazil, Caribbean and Central America, comes in several varieties. It belongs to the dogbane family, Apocynaceae and is known for its mesmerizing scent and beauty. Plumeria has medium size flowers which come in a variety of vibrant colors like pink, red, yellow and more.



9. Chrysanthemum

Carolus Linnaeus, father of modern taxonomy, gave this beautiful flower its name which means ‘golden flower’ in Greek (‘chrys’ means golden and ‘anthemon’ means flower).  The flowers come in a number of forms- these can be buttons, pompous, decorative or daisy like. Although yellow is the traditional colors of chrysanthemum flowers, these can also be found in other colors including red, white and purple.
Chrysanthemum flowers are extremely significant because not only do these look beautiful, they also have a number of meanings associated to them. Chrysanthemum symbolizes optimism, long life, fidelity and joy.



8. Dahlia

Named after Anders Dahl, a botanist, this tuberous bushy perennial plant is generally found in Mexico, Colombia and Central America. Dahlia has over 30 species. One of the most amazing thing about this lovely flower is that it comes in a variety of sizes, ranging from 2 in (button dahlia) to 1 feet (dinner plate dahlia) !! The flower consists of a floral head surrounded by several delicate petals.  These flowers come in various shades of orange, red, pink, purple, white and more. Dahlia was declared the national flower of Mexico in the year 1963.



7. Orchids


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Orchids have an unbelievable amount of varieties, over 25,000 species under 800 genera ! This plant can easily adapt to its environment and so it is available almost all over the world. With its beautifully crafted petals and lively colors, orchids have are a favorite among florists and flower lovers all over the world! Did you know some orchids have 30 inch petals and can weigh about a ton?

  6. Tulip

This perennial plant with showy flowers belongs to the genus of Tulipa. From Asia to Africa, tulip is one among the most cultivated flowers. Various species and hybrids of this exceptionally beautiful flower can be seen in garden as cut flowers or as potted plants. Tulips come in several colors as well as flower shape. There are over 100 known species of this incredible plant.

5. Water lilies

water lily
Lilies are remarkably gorgeous flowers which come with a floating mat of foliage (lily pads). The bloom lasts for around 3 days and then it is replaced. Water lilies come in varied colors and are often fragrant. Basically, there are 3 kinds of water lilies- Nymphaeaceae or the common water lily, Nelumbo or Lotus and Nuphar Lutea , the yellow water lily.
Nelumbo Lutea and Nelumbo Nucifera are the two known species of Nelumbo. Other than being the national flower of Vietnam and India, N. Nucifera is considered sacred by the followers of Buddhism and Hinduism. Nuphar lutea belongs to temperate region of Europe, Western Asia and northwest Africa. Nymphaeaceae consists of over 70 species



4. Magnolia

Few things are as beautiful as a magnolia tree in full bloom! Named after Pierre Mangol, a popular botanist, Mongolia boasts of over 200 species.  The magnolia flowers come in pink, purple or white and the size can be anywhere between 3 to 12 inch in diameter. This flower is a symbol of beauty, sweetness and femininity. Genus of magnolia can be found in West Indies, southeast as well as east Asia, central America, North America among other places.



3. Calla Lily

calla lily
A symbol of magnificence and beauty,  the Calla lily  is an  extremely beautiful flower which is extensively used in flower arrangements, bouquets and decoration purposes. These flowers are a native to South Africa. Calla Liles are uniquely sculptured and come in a number of colors such as shades of green, yellow, pink, purple and more.



2. Bird of paradise

Bird of paradise, an unusual name for a flower, isn’t it? Well this exotic flower is known as Bird of Paradise owning to its shape. It is also known as crane flower and belongs to Strelitiaceae family. With its unique shape and vibrant colors, the Bird of Paradise is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful flowers present in the world. This multicolored flower has no scent.



1. Rose

Oh yes, most “top most beautiful flowers” lists out there reserve the number one spot for this one. This pretty, sweet smelling flower has all what it takes to be the prettiest flower in the world. It would not be wrong to say that rose is a synonym with beauty and love. This woody perennial shrub belongs to the genus ‘Rosa’. Roses are found almost everywhere on earth. This beautiful flower comes in a variety of color and each color holds a different meaning, for examples red rose is a symbol of love while a yellow rose stands for friendship. From poets to artists, rose has been a source of inspiration for people for centuries




8 Tips for Waking Up Early & Conquering the Alarm Clock



. Take the first steps

The toughest part of the morning is simply getting out of bed. An alarm across the room is an old trick, but I don’t want to wake up my wife in the process. So I have my iPhone next to my bed with a soft alarm that I can turn off quickly.
To keep myself from falling back asleep in the morning brain-fog, I have another alarm across the room set for a few minutes later.
It’s extremely loud and will jolt my wife awake if I don’t walk across the room and turn it off first. Even my foggy mind understands that, and the fear of a startled and cranky wife drives me to take those first few steps out of bed.


2. Cultivate a mental environment   

Here are a few ideas to wake your brain up (and keep it alert all day long):
  • Listen to podcasts related to waking up early.
  • Read about people who were early risers.
  • Remind yourself about the importance of writing every day.
Fill in the cracks of your day with inspiration on how and why to wake up early.
You can rationalize a lot when your alarm goes off. But if you’ve immersed yourself in this environment, even your hazy morning mind will feel compelled to wake up.

3. Develop a “get to” attitude

Get excited about your day, and you’ll jump out of bed. Don’t drive yourself with guilt about why you have to wake up early. Make waking up early something you get to do.
Of course, the joy of creating can drive you. But don’t be afraid to motivate yourself by doing something fun in the morning. Play some games or indulge in some leisure reading.
Better yet, think of the benefits that others will receive from your work. You can also keep track of your progress and reward yourself when you reach a milestone.

4. Create some accountability

Recruit a friend to hold your feet to the fire. You can have weekly meetings or even call or text each other when you wake up.
There are great online groups — such as the fellow artists here on this community, the upcoming Tribe Writers community, or groups such as the Hello Mornings Challenge for mothers on Facebook and Twitter.

5. Sleep well

The struggle isn’t all mental. There’s a strong physical component and the amount — as well as the quality — of sleep you get is the most important factor.
Although it’s obvious, make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time if you want to wake up early. Also, pay attention to your diet and exercise. General physical fitness greatly impacts your sleep habits and energy levels.




6. Never snooze                                                                

Hitting your alarm’s snooze button doesn’t give you more of the restful REM sleep. Your body and mind aren’t recuperating youĂ­re just wasting time.
Personally, I noticed that regularly hitting snooze made my thinking even cloudier when the alarm went off. Your mind starts to ignore the alarm bells.


 7. Stick to your wake time                                               

Wake up at the same time every day.
Your body becomes conditioned to this and regulates your sleep patterns accordingly. You get more of that precious REM sleep and when you have a regular wake time, your body actually begins the process of waking up long before your alarm sounds.

8. Build momentum

After you wake up early, the challenge is to stay up. Maybe you’ll love to relax and sip your coffee. But for me, getting too comfortable is dangerous.
I used to start my mornings by reading the Bible and praying. It was a fight to keep my eyes open. Now, the first thing I do is exercise. My heart gets racing, and afterwards I can give what matters most my best focus and attention.
Move through your routine quickly:
  • Have the coffee ready.
  • Set out your exercise clothes.
  • Keep a vigorous pace and you won’t feel as drowsy